A Chilling Challenge: Knock Down the Zombies
Greetings Ghost Fans,
This week, we take a look at what appears to be a continuity error from The Haunted Mansion film. What is now an error was originally from a small part of the plot, deemed to... corny to be released with the final film.

When Jim and Megan are down in the Crypt searching for the key, they unknowingly wake the dead and then struggle to escape. At one point, Megan backs up against a wall and is then helped up by Jim. But whats this? The zombies are up on the platform as well, even some are blocking the bridge that they are standing on. After a quick shot of their feet running, the zombies have disappeared. Where did they go?

The answer is this: In an earlier version of the movie, once Jim helped Megan onto the platform, they were surrounded by zombies with no way of escape. By Megans suggestion, Jim could twirl her around, like he used to when she was a baby. By using her body as an old style slingshot, they knocked the zombies down and some off of the platform entirely allowing them to escape. This part of the film was shot entirely and was even shown to early test audiences, but it was felt that it ruined the scene altogether.